29 janvier 2021

Tips to get a brighter living room

The importance of decoration, white curtains or neutral tones are some tips to get a brighter living room.


How to use this year's pantone colors in the home

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From Harmony we offer you some tips to get a brighter living room. 

The importance of decoration 

To obtain  a spacious and brighty living room it is necessary to also take care of the details that we include. It is worth taking advantage of those materials that reflect light easily and that provide greater visual richness, use glass vases, mirrors, sheets or pictures in light tones such as white, gray or beige, you will make the room seem much more shiny.


Stonewood floor by Yonoh.

White curtains

If you have light, don't cover it! Let her come home with light-colored and flowing curtains.


Lenos floor by Onset, Francisco Segarra.

Also, you can remove the curtains, it will be of great help if what we want is for the light to enter the living room, especially if you have a pciture window.

niza-mustard-hexa-21x25-detNiza floor by Harmony.

Neutral tones, your great allies

To obtain a bright and spacious living rooms it is necessary to resort to a palette of light colors, preferably warm. An example of this is the combination of white, ivory, vanilla and beige.

You can also combine them in dark tones, it will help us to take advantage of the clarity effect offered by natural and artificial light on warm colors.


Dyroy wall and Sonar floor by Harmony.